Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Welcome to the month of AMAZING!

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“Quality means doing right when no one is looking” (Henry Ford)

Don’t just do the “right thing” when you are in front of your coach…you’ve got to do the “right thing” behind the coach’s back too! If you want to reach your biggest goals, you’ve got to dig deep & keep PERSISTENCE even when the odds are stacked against you. There will always be temptation to go half way with your efforts. But how A-MAZ-ING will the victory be when you go 100%?!


The Dailey RECIPE: Salmon cakes! I am ALWAYS looking for new ways to eat my favorite foods. I have never seen a flour-less recipe, so this one caught my eye! If nothing else, the avocado salad dressing is one I will certainly be adding to my salad rotation (with or without the salmon cakes!) Enjoy! Remember, it’s just as easy to EAT RIGHT as it is to eat wrong!!!


It’s July 1 & the first day of an AMAZING month!!! This month I will be delivering stories of AMAZING individuals in hopes to engage, educate, & inspire my students to recognize the AMAZING potential that exists within all of us! If YOU want to be inspired, I will see YOU in class!



Make your own HUMMUS!!!

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Happy Monday!

It’s the LAST day of June!!! Holy Moly! ½ way through the year already! It’s mid-year “checkup” time! Set aside some time to reflect your goals accomplished over the last 6 months, and make a plan for the next 6! Write down what you really want to accomplish before the year’s end. NOW is the time to rethink those New Year’s resolutions and make good choices so you don’t have to make any when the new year rolls around. You won’t need make NEW resolutions because you will already doing everything you need to be doing!


PERSISTENCE is doing what it takes (& not giving up) in order to accomplish what really matters. Think about it. Every day, you wake up…and one of the first things you do is brush your teeth. You don’t ever catch yourself saying “I don’t have time today…I will make up for it later”. Because it REALLY MATTERS! Every week, you spend hours dedicated to planning out your weekend events (social, kid activities, travel, etc)…and you probably don’t catch yourself saying “you don’t have time” for those things either. So why is it when it comes to eating good foods, getting exercise DAILY, rest…”you don’t have time”?! Make the most important thing THE most important thing…this week, and ALWAYS! PERSISTENCE delivers results!


The Dailey Recipe: HUMMUS!!!! The 4th of July means cookouts…and usually lots of unhealthy options for the party table. This year, add something BETTER to the table! (& save money + get better quality by making your own!)


  • THANK YOU to everyone who has committed to the week by signing up online! But WHAT is going on for tonight?! Only 2? What are you waiting for?! This class is going to be OFF THE HOOK! We need 2 more!!! Who’s IN?!


CREATE your BEST week ever!


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It’s that time…

Time to get FIRED UP about the week ahead! It’s TIME to move closer to your goals! It’s TIME to plan your strategy for the week!


“Energy and PERSISTENCE conquer all things.” ~ Benjamin Franklin


The “W.O.W.” = PERSISTENCE! This is the act of continued effort despite obstacles, lack of motivation, or even failure. I call this “Sticktoitiveness”! When something is important to you, the only option is to stick to it & stay PERSTISTENT to see it through. This is true for health & fitness goals, relationships, parenting, career, & pretty much any aspect of your life. We’re going to get knocked down from time to time, we’re going to lose momentum, we’re going to fail at some point…but we have to be PERSISTENT & keep trying!


It’s a holiday week, so check the class schedule for a few changes! Super stoked to have a 4th of July inspired class on Friday! If you’re in town, you don’t want to miss the “FREEDOM Workout” @ 9:30am! Great way to go into the day guilt-free!

Here’s the lineup for the rest of the week:

  • Mon-Metabolic Circuit
  • Tue-Body in Balance
  • Wed- Total body Strength & Conditioning- (NOTE the 6:00am addition!)
  • Fri-“Freedom Workout”

Don’t forget: cutoff for 6am class sign-up is 9:30pm! Still need 1 more for tomorrow!


Take no prisoners this week! PERSISTENCE BABY!!!

How do the chapters of your life read?

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Thoughtful Thursday…Your life is your book. How do your chapters read???

Chapter 1.
I was on my way to work one day strolling down the street and didn’t notice that there was a hole in the ground, I fall in. It takes awhile to get out. “Not my fault, it came out of nowhere.”

Chapter 2.
I walk down the same street. I fall in the same hole again. It still takes awhile to get out. “Pretty silly of me to fall in that same hole again but still, not my fault, they should really get this damn whole filled.”

Chapter 3.
I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. I get out immediately. “It’s definitely becoming a habit, I don’t think they’re going to fill this. It is my fault.”

Chapter 4.
I walk down the same street and see the hole. I walk around it.

Chapter 5.
I walk down a different street.

  • We all have holes in our lives that we are repeatedly stepping or even falling into. This could be work, diet, relationship, etc. related. Most of the time those holes never get filled.
  • Mission: Your goal for today should be to simply address what those holes are in your life. Start with one aspect of your life first rather than trying to conquer everything at once.
  • While today you will simply walk around them start working on a different route to avoid that street all together. The best part about you reading this right now is that there are still so many chapters left to write and it’s never too late.

You are the person that writes the chapters in your book, nobody else!


For all of my 5 toe fanatics…check out this awesome sale from the Vibram Five Finger website! I just ordered a couple of new pairs & wanted to share the love! If you don’t know your size, it’s always best to try on a pair in a store first to be sure. The individual toes tend to make sizing a little tricky for some. You probably won’t find a better deal than this!


Studio News:

***Don’t forget to check out the modified class schedule for next week! Sign up NOW to be sure the added classes have enough rsvp’s to stay on the schedule!



Check your SUNSCREEN!!!

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“Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.” ~ Lowell Thomas

Our “W.O.W.”…EXCEED! Small steps every day add up to A LOT! A little more can lead to A LOT better! EXCEED yourself today in at least one aspect of your life! Your workout, nutrition, task list, career, relationships…wherever you are seeking improvement…make it happen!


The Dailey CANCER PREVENTION Tip: Check your sunscreen! Want to truly protect your body from the outside-in? Be sure you are using sunscreen that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals that might be absorbed through your skin! What you put ON your body is just as important as what you put IN your body! Check out this list of safe sunscreens before you hit the pool deck or beach!


Speaking of CANCER….PLEASE come out to the Dailey Fitness Relay for Live/ACS fundraiser this Sat! (see flyer!) If you can’t make it, send your friends/family in your place! I am PASSIONATE about health, and being able to celebrate MORE BIRTHDAYS! Sadly, cancer has a different “passion”. Let’s FIGHT BACK against it by raising money to find a cure! 100% of the money raised goes to the cause!


CREATE a great day!

The “W.O.W.” = EXCEED!

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Hello Weekend WARRIORS!

There is only one person that you need to be better than today.

“To be your best today, the only goal is to outperform the guy you were yesterday.” ~Martin Rooney


The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) = EXCEED! To be a better version of yourself tomorrow, you need to EXCEED your expectations & goals that you set today. Go beyond the comfort zone. Give 1% more than you did yesterday. Expect the best of yourself and EXCEED those expectations! No matter what you’ve done before, today is your opportunity to exceed yourself. Where you are is not a place to rest indefinitely, but rather a place from which to move forward.

I can’ wait to attack the week ahead! Looking forward to the class lineup at the studio too! Don’t forget to sign up!

  • Tue-Total Body Strength
  • Wed-Body in balance
  • Thur-Metabolic Circuit
  • Fri-Total Body Strength
  • Sat-HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)





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The weekend is ALMOST here! I hope you have ACCELERATED towards (or even past) your goals this week! Keep the momentum & DON’T QUIT!


“The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.” Martin Luther King Jr.

This week-in my classes-I have talked a lot about adversity & challenge through stories of amazing people who have overcome theirs. Whether you heard these stories or not, the lessons taught were:

  • Circumstances mean nothing.
  • Limitations mean nothing.
  • Obstacles mean nothing.
  • It all comes down to YOU!

YOU decide how you react to circumstances—who you are in those circumstances and what you can do in spite of them (or because of them).  YOU decide what you do with your limitations—if you see them as a challenge, a minor setback, or a message from the universe that you’re just not “meant” to do something. YOU decide to let obstacles stop you or to keep blazing ahead.


The Dailey LUNCH Idea: WRAP it up! This is a great vegetarian lunch packed with protein & nutrients! Make this up for lunch or even serve it up for a fun dinner!


Don’t forget we have a great class at 10am on Sat – “Balanced Body in Motion” – with Katie! The patch (& other toys) will be out and the focus will be movement patterns, balance, & athletic ability. Challenging? YES! But the reward is in the RESULTS! SIGN UP!


Have a wonderful & SAFE weekend!

2 choices today….

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You have 2 very simple choices:

1)     Move closer to your goals.

2)     Move further from your goals.

Which is it going to be?


This week’s “W.O.W.” (word of the week) is ACCELERATION! This means moving FORWARD with speed & intention! The only way to make this happen is with effort, hard work, and an I CAN attitude! Excuses, procrastination, or a limiting belief system won’t push you any closer to those goals. The week is NOT over! Do what you can right now to move the needle in the right direction!


Your Dailey Thought:

“Do not wait; the time will never by ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

~ Napoleon Hill


In order to go faster, sometimes we have to SLOW DOWN! Tonight at 6pm the FLEX class is the perfect place to do this. Only 2 signed up, and we need 4 to make it happen! SIGN UP! I promise you will have NO REGRETS for taking full advantage of this hour! Not a regular class member? PERFECT class to “get your feet wet” with group training at the studio! Just send a quick email & I will get you signed up for the class!


Move the needle CLOSER to your goals today!


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ACCELERATION means GOING THE DISTANCE! These words enforce our motto of “LAST SET = BEST SET” at the studio! Pushing a little harder in that last set brings great victory, but quitting just before the last rep leaves you feeling defeated!

“The more worthwhile the accomplishment, the more groundwork it requires. Often, the first 80% of effort toward a particular goal, gets you only 20% of desired results. And then the final 20% of the total effort brings you the additional 80% of the way there. Results ACCELERATE as you approach your goal, so by all means keep on going. That last 20% of the effort is crucial. It makes the difference between success and failure. Achievement comes to those who can go the distance despite the initial discouragement. Quitting a six week project after five weeks of work, gets you nothing. Working that extra week gets you everything. The additional effort is only incremental, yet the additional reward is enormous. You’re almost there — keep going. A little bit of extra effort makes all the difference in the world.” ~Ralph Marston


The Dailey RECIPE: Here ya go TURKEY LOVERS! This one’s for you!


CLASS UPDATE: FLEX tonight at 6pm! Only one signed up?! Don’t be scared…SLOWING DOWN is a good thing! Guaranteed you sleep better tonight after this class! JOIN US!