Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category


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“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ~Jim Ryun

We’ve been talking A LOT about HABITS in the studio…and specifically working on “CHOOSE ONE-LOSE ONE!” this month. If you haven’t done it…make it happen! Choose ONE bad habit that is keeping you from your full potential & LOSE IT! Replace it with ONE good habit that you know will push you towards your full potential. CHOSE ONE-LOSE ONE baby!!! It just might be a game changer for you as you end 2014!


The lineup for group training is listed on the online schedule If you are hitting the studio this week, make your plan NOW! When you commit to the week (instead of day to day), you are far more likely to get the RESULTS you seek. This final month is a great time to reflect on the things you still want to achieve and respond to the things you have still left undone in 2014.


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: CHECK YOUR YOGURT! If yogurt is a staple in your diet, check the labels to be sure you are getting “health food” not “junk food”. Great article breaking down what ingredients you want to avoid & WHY!


Who’s ready to CRUSH this week?!?!?


Is your life a story worth telling???

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“ Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived & how he died that distinguish one man from another.” ~Ernest Hemingway


WHAT IS POSSIBLE? What do you desire to re-define in your life? I always love seeing “what is possible”, not only to strive for the same, but to be motivated to reach for more in any part of life I hope to change. One person redefining what is possible gives others permission to aim for new levels in their world and gives them hope it is possible. Often what we don’t want gets normalized. Believing what is possible is a key to mustering up the effort and courage to take the first step and stay on it during challenging paths of change. I have parts of my life I would like to improve. Do you?


If THAT didn’t motivate you to get up and do something BIG…I’m pretty sure nothing will!

A little on top of a little adds up to A LOT!


The Dailey HEALTH Tip: DRINK MORE WATER! Think you already drink enough? Try adding 20 more ounces/day and see what happens to your energy levels & recovery! I DARE you!


YOLO (you only live once)!

LIVE a life worth telling a story about!

Chew your food!!!

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“Where you are in life is exactly where you are supposed to be as a result of the things you have done up until that moment in time.” ~Martin Rooney

There are only 31 days left in the year (including today). How are you going to end this year? I encourage you to step up your game this month. It’s time to break the chains that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. If you want to BE more…you will have to DO more! The only failure is to give up!


The Dailey DIGESTION Tip: CHEW YOUR FOOD! Better yet, SIT DOWN while you chew your food! Sitting down & chewing extends more than good manners, it helps to balance the parasympathetic & sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. This, in turn, optimizes the output of digestive factors and juices. Taking the time to chew breaks down mechanically the food you are eating. These two things combine & put less stress on the system downstream to break up your food so you can absorb & assimilate that. When you DON’T do these things, you are more likely to experience gas & bloating (from too much poorly broken up food, potentially lowered enzymes/acid & swallowing air) & motility issues (going too fast or too slowly).


Today is the day. LIVE your BEST!


4,500 calories in ONE meal?! YIKES!

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“In the hopes of reaching the moon, men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.” ~Albert Schweitzer

Be sure to recognize the true gifts of each day, and be reminded that before we can have more tomorrow…we must appreciate what we already have today!


DID YOU KNOW???? According to research from the Calorie Control Council, the average American may consume more than 4,500 calories and a whopping 229 grams of fat from snacking and eating a traditional holiday dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. KEEP IT CHECK FOLKS!!!


GET READY! We’re gonna “BURN THE BIRD” before Thanksgiving this year! The SHOWS are at 6:00am, 9:00am, & 6:00pm Wednesday! (TOMORROW) These will be the LAST 3 classes of November! Get your metabolic mayhem ON & go into the holiday with NO REGRETS! The chef will be preparing the menu so I need to know if there are any exercise allergies I need to stay away from.


Live your BEST today!

The FUTURE of Dailey Fitness revealed!!!

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“Dream big, expect the best, and then put forth your highest efforts in the service of those dreams and expectations. Act as if life’s greatest magnificence is yours to live, for it is, the moment you choose it.” ~Ralph Marston


I am SO EXCITED about the future of Dailey Fitness! I’ve been dreaming BIG, and most definitely putting my highest efforts forward for quite some time now to be able to tell you that we have ONE more move in our future. But this move is going to be the LAST move! Likely sometime in February, 2015…Dailey Fitness will be bringing new life to an old building! We’re transforming 2116 Enterprise Rd, Greensboro NC 27455 into a world-class facility where we will transform lives!  Stay tuned for more details and updates about the BEST that is yet to come!


SHORT WEEK, so plan for it! We will be closed from Thursday-Sunday in honor of Thanksgiving, so you have 3 days to make things happen! Here’s the class lineup-better SIGN UP!

Monday-Total Body Strength & Conditioning

Tuesday- Balanced Body in Motion (Patch anyone?!?!)

Wednesday-Metabolic MAYHEM! (Note the 6am ADDITION to the schedule this week!)

*Tuesday @ 6pm is Flex

**Must have 4 signed up to keep a class on schedule!


We all have so much to be thankful for! You are blessed with a body, mind, & spirit that you can finely tune to function at a higher level to be able to do the things you love. Nourish your human vehicle with good fuel, strengthen it with consistent training, & honor it resetting your mindset to HAPPINESS-which is the joy we feel when we are moving forward towards our full potential.


Never sell yourself short! YOU are amazing!

There are no setbacks, only COMEBACKS!

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“No one likes losing. It sucks. But many of life’s greatest lessons come after a loss. It’s how you respond to setback, devastation, or loss that reveals character and ultimately allows you to win.” ~Todd Durkin

Treat every SETBACK as a chance to learn, grow and COMEBACK better than you were before!


The Dailey HEALTH Tip: UNDERSTANDING the WHEAT EPIDEMIC! I have been baffled as to why I could eat wheat products as a kid & much of my adult life, yet for some reason over the last few years have found it to be problematic for me. This is a great article that breaks it down & explains how the harvesting of wheat has changed over the years. When you have a moment, take a read and give it some thought:


“GYM RULE” # 1: BE CONSISTENT AND BE ON TIME! Take this rule to heart with every important thing you do-not just your training practices. When you’re constantly scrambling to find consistency & you’re battling the clock to get to something important on time…you add STRESS to your day.

Dailey Fitness Group Training Students: We’ve talked about it for a while, and now it’s going to happen! To help set this “rule” into your mindset…and to encourage everyone to respect the training hour & each other-the gym doors are going to be LOCKED at the start of each practice! You show up late, you’re gonna have to wait to get in! It’s NOT punishment…it’s ENCOURAGEMENT to honor your time & to get the most from your commitment!


Today, give your BEST! For your very BEST is always enough!


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“The person who comes to control his body by hard training will have physical strength greater than others. If a person trains his mind in a similar manner, he will become spiritually superior to others. Accomplishing the above things, he will never be defeated”. ~Miyamoto Musashi


It’s NO EXCUSE November!!!

The countdown in ON to the holidays! There will be a million “excuses” littering your road to success over the next 2 months. Stay focused and keep your mindset right! Remember to make the most important thing THE most important thing! To be more, you’ll have to DO more…but the victory will be worth it!


If you attended a group session today (or will be joining us at 6pm), you heard (or will hear) the story of the elephants about “Breaking the Chains” that are holding you back. Great minds think alike! One of my Egoscue mentors from Nashville sent me his blog post today…talking about the SAME THING! Check it out & think about the “chains” that are holding you back. It’s time to BREAK them! Dailey Fitness is YOUR local resource specializing in this “pain-free” therapy. Contact me for more information.


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: EAT CANTALOUPE! Here’s a few tidbits you may/may not know about it: “Cantaloupe is an amazing fruit that has over 19 vitamins and minerals that help to boost the immune system, detoxify the organs, and deeply hydrate and alkalinize the body. Since cantaloupe is a pre-digested food, meaning it does not require any digestion in the stomach and can pass straight through to the intestines for assimilation, it is best eaten on an empty stomach alone for breakfast. The high vitamin C content in cantaloupes is critical for immune system support and to fight bacterial and viral infections. Cantaloupe is also excellent for helping to relieve nerves and calm anxieties. It is known to keep the heartbeat normal and regulated while under stress as well as keep muscles relaxed and free from cramps and hypertension. The rich vitamin A and beta carotene content in cantaloupe helps to lower the risk of cataracts and aids in maintaining healthy eyesight. Cantaloupe also aids the body in excreting excess sodium which helps to reduce water tension and bloating. After purchasing a cantaloupe, let it sit on your counter until it emits a light floral scent and yields to gentle pressure. Cantaloupe is a sweet and delicious fruit that is a wonderful way to start your morning and nourish your body and soul.”


“Thoughts become things…choose the good ones”!


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“Excuses are the nails that build a house of failure.” ~ Don Wilder


This entire month I have been telling my groups motivational stories of amazing Olympic athletes that overcame great adversity to get their medals. There is one thing they ALL have in common…none of them made excuses! They stuck to it, worked hard, and faced their obstacles. Let’s face it, we all have excuses…and they are all valid! But what separates those that REACH their goals and those that seem to only CHASE them…is the ability to put the excuses aside and take action. We ALL have busy schedules, we all battle illness/sick kids from time to time, we all have restless nights…blah, blah, blah. It’s called LIFE! Take a healthy dose of “suck it up buttercup” & remember: “TO BE MORE, YOU’VE GOTTA DO MORE”!


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: “PALEO” Diet might not be so bad if you look at it THIS way: Found this great blog post breaking down some misconceptions about what Paleo IS & ISN’T. The message we encourage & stand behind at Dailey Fitness-TFW Greensboro is to EAT FOOD-DON’T DIET! This article coincides with this philosophy, and has a few great points to consider.


TOMORROW is the LAST SATURDAY CLASS at the studio!!! In case you’ve been skipping your workouts & MISSED all of the AWESOME NEWS…WE’RE MOVING!!! Want to know where…when…& what the heck is going on? Get B.I.G.!!!!! (Butt In Gym!) Katie is dreaming of RELAYS for the 8:30 Sat class! Sign up! You DON’T want to miss this class!



To CARB or NOT to CARB???

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Let your spirit rule and it’s soul will smile, no matter the weight of your days. ~Peter Twist

Restore & expand your world establishing 3 foundational pillars: “Body Ready, Mind Sharp, Attitude Positive!” At Dailey Fitness-Training for Warriors Greensboro we TRAIN to keep the body READY for anything. We keep the mind SHARP with the use of challenges that involve metal focus. We share motivational stories to create a POSITIVE ATTITUDE & instill that anything is possible with hard work & determination.


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: To CARB or NOT TO CARB?! It is a constant battle-and one that many unknowingly fight for the wrong side (for them!) Precision Nutrition is a fantastic educational resource & Dr. John Berardi is highly regarded in the wellness community. Check out this post & let it fuel your mind to be open to change:


Want to CRUSH this week? Get your mind right! DECIDE that you aren’t going to back down! Work HARD & don’t take the path of least resistance!

Take the path of MOST resistance!